Madeline Castle

Department / Division

  • Rehabilitation Counseling Faculty


  • Assistant Professor




  • 508 Allen Hall

Dr. Madeline Castle's Curriculum Vitae


  • B.S., Mississippi State University, Educational Psychology, College of Education
  • M.Ed., Auburn University, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, College of Education
  • Ph.D., University of South Carolina, Counselor Education and Supervision, College of Education

Courses Taught

  • Gender Issues in Counseling
  • Rehabilitation Services
  • Career Planning and Development
  • Wellness and Mental Health
  • Introduction to Counseling

Research Interests

  • Wellness Counseling
  • Group Counseling
  • College Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disability
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration
  • Intervention Development
  • Qualitative Research Methods

Selected Publications

  • Fields, A. M., Lewis, O., Castle, M., Smith Hill, R. B., & Stinnett, C. V. (in press). College students with intellectual and developmental disabilities’ experiences, conception, and development of emotional wellness. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
  • Fields. A. M., Smith Hill, R. B., Lewis, O., Castle, M., & Perez, L. M. (in press). Initial evidence for personal development support for college students with intellectual and developmental disability: Results from a satisfaction survey. Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education.
  • Smith Hill, R. B., Fields, A. M., Castle, M., Perez, L. M., & Plotner, A. J. (2024). Exploring the personal identity of college students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Emerging Adulthood, 12(4), 467-480.
  • Smith Hill, R. B., Stinnett, C. V., Plotner, A. J., Fields, A. M., Lewis, O. & Castle, M. (2024) An interdisciplinary approach to supporting the personal development of college students with an intellectual disability. Inclusive Practices, 3(1-2), 3-13.
  • Smith Hill, R. B., Shah, P., Plotner, A. J., Castle, M., & Stinnett, C. V. (2024). Inclusive postsecondary education and self-determination: Using photovoice to centre college student voices. Disability & Society, 1-28.
  • Fields, A. M., Linich, K. Thompson, C. M., Saunders, M., Gonzales, S. K., & Limberg, D. (2023). A systematic review of training strategies to prepare counselors for integrated primary and behavioral healthcare. Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation, 14(1), 1-14.

Selected Professional Activities and Memberships

  • Teaching and Supervision in Counseling (TSC)
    • Editorial Board Member (2024 – present)
    • Graduate Student Editorial Board Member (2023-2024)
  • American Journal of Applied Psychology
    • Special Issue Guest Reviewer (2024 – present)
  • American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA)
    • Member (2024 – present)
  • Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities (SAIGE)
    • Member (2024 – present)
  • Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC)
    • Member (2022 – present)
  • Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW)
    • Awards Committee Member, Conference Proposal Peer Reviewer (2023)
    • Member (2022 – present)
  • Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES)
    • Member (2022 – present)
  • Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)
    • Conference Proposal Peer Reviewer (2021)
    • Member (2021 – present)
  • American Counseling Association (ACA)
    • Member (2019 – present)