Department / Division
- School Counseling Faculty
- Associate Professor
- Program Coordinator of School Counseling
Dr. Mazahreh's Curriculum Vitae
- Yarmouk University, B.S., 2005, Counseling Psychology/School Counseling
- The University of Jordan, M.A., 2009, Psychological and Educational Counseling
- The University of Mississippi, Ph. D., 2014, Counselor Education and Supervision
Research Interests
- Supervision in School Counseling
- School Counselors and Students’ Wellness
- Counselors Development
- Multicultural Counseling
- Stress Coping
- Adult Attachment
- Career Development
Areas of Teaching
- School Counseling Services
- Introduction to Counseling
- Seminar in School Counseling
- Counseling Skills Development
Selected Publications
- Stoltz, K. B., Wolff, L. A., Monroe, A. E., Mazahreh, L.G., & Farris, H. (2013). Adaptability in the Work Life Task: Life Style, Stress Coping, and Protean/Boundaryless Career Attitudes. Journal of Individual Psychology, 69, 66-83.
- Stoltz, K. B., Wolff, L. A., Monroe, A. E., Farris, H., & Mazahreh, L.G. (2013). Career Adaptability, Stress Coping, and Adlerian Lifestyle: Relationships and Dimensions. The Career Development Quarterly, 61, 194-209. doi: 10.1002/J.2161-0045.2013.00049.x
- Mazahreh, L. G., Stoltz, K. B., Wolff, L. A., & Turnage-Butterbauh, I. (2016). Cultural Variables and Factor Analysis of BASIS-A Using a Jordanian Sample. Journal of Individual Psychology, 72, 45-59.
- Mazahreh, L. G., Stoltz, K. B., & Wolff, L. A. (2016, submitted). Validation of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
- Rogers, T., Snow, M. Reysen, R., Winburn, A., Mazahreh, L. (2015). The Self of the Counselor: Exploring Adult Attachment Styles in Counselors-in-Training. Journal of Counselor Practice. 5 (2), 63-77.
- Michael, T., Stoltz, K. B., Wolff, L. A., Mazahreh, L. G., Monroe, A. E. (2015, in press). Protean and boundaryless career attitudes: Do teacher candidates have these? Journal of Contemporary Research in Education.
- Stoltz, K.B., Apodaca, M., & Mazahreh, L.G. (2018). Extending the narrative process: Guided imagery in Career Construction Counseling. The Career Development Quarterly, 66, 259-268.
- Mazahreh, L.G., Stoltz, K.B., & Wolff, L.A. (2019) Validation of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development.
- Mazahreh, L.G. (2019). Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery career Exploration Program (ASVAB-CEP). In K.B. Stoltz, & S.R. Barclay (Eds.). A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment (7th Ed.). Stoltz, K.B., & Barclay, S.R. (Eds.). Broken Arrow, OK: National Career Development Association.
- Stoltz, K.B., Bell, S., & Mazahreh, L.G. (2019). Selecting and understanding career assessments. In K.B. Stoltz, & S.R. Barclay (Eds.). A comprehensive guide to career assessment (7th ed.). Stoltz, K.B., & Barclay, S.R. (Eds.). Broken Arrow, OK: National Career Development Association.
Selected Presentations
- Mazahreh, L.G. (2021, September). Validating Psychological and Behavioral Measurements among non-English Speakers. Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
- Mazahreh, L.G., Walsh, M., Gilbert, H. (September, 2016). Promoting characteristics of dynamic supervisees: Supervisees' perceptions. Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Walsh, M., Gilbert, H., & Mazahreh, L.G. (September 2016). School counselors' preparedness and willingness to work with LGBTQ students. Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Stoltz, K. B. & Mazahreh, L. (July, 2013). Protean career attributes: Using Multidimensional Scaling to Understand Client Approaches to Career Tasks. National career Development Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA. Mazahreh, L., Michael, T., Eskridge, T., & Stoltz, K. (November, 2
- Stoltz, K. B., Mazahreh, L., & Farris, H. (June, 2012). Career Adaptability, Stress Coping, and Adlerian Lifestyle: Relationships and Dimensions. National career Development Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Mazahreh, L., Farris, H., Archie, I., & Presley, E. (November, 2011). Career Planning in Middle School: Assessments and Planning Activities. Mississippi Counseling Association, Biloxi, MS.