Department / Division
- Higher Education Leadership Faculty
- Associate Professor
- Program Coordinator of Higher Education Leadership
- 508 Allen Hall
- Ph.D. Higher Education – Organizational Behavior and Management, University of Michigan
- M.A. College Student Personnel, Bowling Green State University B.A. Geological Sciences, Northwestern University
Research Interests
- Organization, administration, and leadership in higher education
- Emergency management in higher education and student affairs
- Team sensemaking and decision-making in higher education contexts
- Front-line work, workers, and work routines in higher education
- The evolving mission, organization, culture, and work of the student affairs profession
- Administrative competencies related to student affairs work (e.g., supervision, legal issues, crisis management, technology, communication, fiscal management)
Courses Taught
- HED 8010: Student Affairs Practicum (MS)
- HED 8113: Administrative Leadership in SAHE (MS)
- HED 8123: Organization and Governance in Higher Education (MS & Ph.D.)
- HED 8143: Seminar in University and Community College Education: Contributions of Southern Colleges and Universities to American Higher Education (MS)
- HED 8143: Seminar in University and Community College Education: Helping and Intervention Skills in SA (MS)
- HED 8223: Seminar in Administration (Ph.D.)
- HED 8283: Educational Leadership (MS & Ph.D.)
- HED 8383: Ethical Decision Making in Higher Education (Ph.D.)
- HED 8523: Student Development Theory (MS)
- HED 8543: Legal Issues in Student Affairs (MS)
- HED 8553: Student Affairs in Higher Education (MS)
- HED 8583: Administrative Competency in SAHE: Budgets & Supervision (MS)
- HED 8593: Administrative Competency in SAHE: Technology, Communication, & Crisis (MS)
- HED 8613: Academic Scholarship in Higher Education (Ph.D.)
- HED 8623: Diversity, Globalization, and the College Student (MS & Ph.D.)
- HED 9913: Dissertation Seminar (Ph.D.)
Selected Presentations
Molina, D., Bodine Al-Sharif, M. A., & Teer, W. (2022). Contrary ideology as cultural crisis: Evolving complexities for practicing student affairs amidst shifting political realities in the South. Session presented at the Annual Conference for the Southern Association for College Student Affairs, Birmingham, AL.
Molina, D., & Bonds, M. (2022). Katrina, Harvey, and Ida: Benchmarking longitudinal lessons on crisis management. Session presented at the Annual Convention of ACPA: College Student Educators International: St. Louis, MO.
Molina, D., Bonds, M., Moyen, E., Vital, L. M., Cuellar, M., & Taylor, L. (2020, November). Crisis insight and opportunity: Emergent interdisciplinary research at the intersection of higher education and COVID-19. Interactive Symposium presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, Virtual Conference [location changed due to COVID-19}.
Stansel, B., Garris, G., & Molina, D. K. (2020, March). Flipped scripts: Emergent contexts for intergenerational supervisor-supervisee tension. Session presented at the Annual Convention of ACPA: College Student Educators International: Nashville, TN.
Gibson, L., & Molina, D. K. (2019, November). Identity, representation, diversity, and messaging: Imperatives for inclusive student affairs marketing and communications practices. Session presented at Annual Conference for the Southern Association for College Student Affairs, Raleigh, NC.
Whitton, B., & Molina, D. K. (2019, November). Beyond work-life balance: Articulated approaches to understanding, critiquing, and addressing workplace stress in student affairs. Session presented at Annual Conference for the Southern Association for College Student Affairs, Raleigh, NC.
Shalka, T., Lynch, R., Truong, K., & Molina, D. (2019, March). Trauma in higher education: A panel discussion. Session presented at the Annual Convention of ACPA: College Student Educators International: Boston, MA.
Selected Professional Activities and Memberships
- Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE)
- ACPA: College Student Educators International
- NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
- Southern Association for College Student Personnel (SACSA)